

With Siteware, the products you wish to control are entered into the database, each with their own unique barcode ID. For each item, you can store critical data such as quantity in stock, size, colour, serial number, description, location and many more.

All your workers are also entered with their own unique ID, also capturing details such as start date, job description, contact number and company. You also have the ability to allocate them  a ‘template’. Thus controlling the items they are authorized to receive.

Products are booked in and out of the stores using a barcode scanner and if you use our professional edition then you also have the option of a portable scanner too!

Warning flags are built in to prevent a worker abusing the system and taking items before they should be.

The reporting suite within the software gives you full details of items in stock, their locations, their costs, as well as a full transaction history so you can view exactly where the items have gone, to who and when.